

Impala is a massively parallel processing SQL query engine for Hadoop. In short, it is very very fast when running queries, with significant performances even over Hive.

For a start:


First, go to Windows ODBC manager. Go to Windows > Search > 64-bit ODBC Manager.

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Go to Impala IDE, HUE and check the database name to connect.

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  • cd /opt/cloudera/impalaodbc/Setup
  • copy odbc.ini & odbcinst.ini to user directory
  • cp odbc.ini ~
  • cp odbcinst.ini ~
  • nano odbc.ini
    • Change data source name (DNS) to your liking
    • add HOST=[your_ip]
    • add PORT=[21050]
  • change both files to hidden
    • mv odbc.ini .odbd.ini
    • mv odbcinst.ini .odbcinst.ini
  • Locate where iodbc driver manager libraries are located. Use sudo find / -name "*iodbc* to search
  • Then add the following environment variables to the bash profile nano .bash_profile
export DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH=$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:”/Volumes/Macintosh HD/usr/lib/“
export ODBCINI=~/.odbc.ini

export ODBCINSTINI=~/.odbcinst.ini

export CLOUDERAIMPALAODBCINI=~/.cloudera.impalaodbc.ini


Linux configuration is very straight forward. After installation of the driver, change the /etc/odbcinst.ini & /opt/cloudera/impalaodbc/lib/64/cloudera.impalaodbc.ini files as stated in this link. From the link, choose the driver and OS (Linux).

Tableau Desktop

  • In Tableau Desktop, go to Cloudera Hadoop ODBC driver
  • Enter Server, Port (21050), Type (Impala)
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If the previous ODBC connection does not work, click on Other Databases (ODBC) and enter the details for DSN name, Server IP, & Port (21050)

  • Other Databases (ODBC)
  • At DSN > select the DSN name you created
  • Click Connect
  • Enter Server, Port (21050) & database (default)
  • Click Sign In
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Azure Cosmos DB

Cosmos DB is a kind of schemaless database which can link to MongoDB etc. To connect to Tableau, an ODBC driver have to be installed (for Windows). More here. Then, define the settings. After which, in Tableau Desktop, click on Other Databases (ODBC) and enter the parameters.

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