
Multiple Measures

Time Series (w/o) Date

Tableau does not have a data type for time only; independent of date. Hence, the only way to go about it is to set the date to a constant.

In Tableau, you can set the field calculation like this.

  #-- Set date as constant so that Tableau can group by time only
DATEADD('second', DATEDIFF('second', DATETRUNC('day',[Date Time]), [Date Time]), #1900-01-01#)

In SQL, you can do the same using this:

#-- Show Only Time at Axis
#-- Set date as constant so that Tableau can group by time only
SELECT to_char(DATE_TIME, '1900-01-01 HH24:MI')::timestamp
FROM table_nm

Add field to visual row/column. Change format to just hh:nn or h:nn AMPM to prevent the date constant from showing.

Time Bins

This specific example, adds on the previous example to have an adjustable parameter for time binning.

#--adjustable time bin aggregation

  #--(1) Set date as constant so that Tableau can group by time only
DATEADD('second', DATEDIFF('second', DATETRUNC('day',[Date Time]), [Date Time]), #1900-01-01#)

  #--(2) field calculation (Time Bins)
      INT(DATEDIFF('minute', DATETRUNC('day', [YF : Time]), [YF : Time]) / [Minute Bin Size]
          ) * [Minute Bin Size],
DATETRUNC('day', [YF : Time]))

  #--(3) set an integer parameter with range for changing bin size